Handguns/Long guns/Trap

Greenfield Fish & Game Club

Outdoor 50/100/200 Length yard ranges
Join or Renew your NRA membership though Greenfield! We are a NRA Recruiter. Use this link and Greenfield will receiving funds for every membership. JOIN THE NRA with GREENFIELD
Greenfield after that last big snow storm...

Renewal packets have gone out, which include the application, news letter and raffle tickets. Mail your renewal to the PO box or drop it off at the meeting.
CMP Jr. Rifle league registration is open, see the events page
We are accepting nominations for sponsorship to NYS DEC Summer Camp. Download the application off the events page. We must receive it by March 17.
Club meetings during winter months, October thru March, are held at VFW Post 7393, 21 Garden St, New York Mills. Meeting start at 7:00PM
The winter gate is up for the season. Members can park at the entrance and walk in.
A new metal roof was recently added to the trap house and trap league building, with an extended porch. Thank you to the club members and officers that facilitated getting the work done.
Christmas Party after the December meeting. The cake was provided by Tom L., and plenty of other treats by the members. Our Officers for 2025.